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Binding Properties

The Binding type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAvailableAxes
Dictionary of the Axes that can be assigned and their RecognizionTreshold
Public propertyStatic memberAvailableKeyCodes
Gets the available key codes, that can be assigned to a Binding. (This also includes the CancelAssignmentKey, which cant be assigned)
Public propertyAxis
Gives you the Axis that is assigned to this Binding. when set, it will also set the BindingType to Axis
Public propertyBindingGroup
The BindingGroup that this Binding is in, or null if this Binding was not yet added to one
Public propertyBindingType
The type of the Binding
Public propertyStatic memberCancelAssignmentKey
Determines they Button that will be used to cancel an assignment. This Button can not be assigned to any Binding
Public propertyEnabled
Returns if this Binding will be Updated. returns ThisEnabled && GroupEnabled
Public propertyGroupEnabled
Tells you if the Group of this Binding is enabled. If the Group is not yet set, it returns false
Public propertyKeys
Gives you the keys that are assigned to this Binding. When set, it will also set the BindingType to Keys
Public propertyName
The Name of this Binding. Avoid to use the same name twice!
Public propertyState
Gives you the State of this Binding as bool. When set it checks if the State has changed and triggers the StateChanged event
Public propertyThisEnabled
Determines if this Binding is enabled
Public propertyValue
Gives you the balue of this Binding as float. When set it checks if the Value has changed and triggers the ValueChanged event
See Also